Public Works
Public Works Director
Quinn Bigler
Public Works Assistant
Kyle Hinz
City Assistant
Eric Ver Steegt
Meter Reader
Jason Hildebrand

227 Main Street
P.O. Box 146
Janesville, Iowa 50647
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
-The City of Janesville strives to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. Water is purchased from Iowa Regional Utilities Association and is a "Clean" water meaning it is softened and has no nitrates due to reverse osmosis.
-Water meters are read the first two working days of each month. Bills are mailed on or about the 15th of each month and are due by the 5th of the following month. See the City Hall/City Clerk's Page for more information regarding Water/Utility payments.
-High consumption can be attributed to excessive watering, showering, filling pools, leaks, etc. To check for leaks in your toilet, you can place food coloring in the top and if found in the stool, that indicates a leak. Water meters are typically located in the basement. If a leak is suspected, residents can also check the meter to see if numbers are moving quicker than normal.
-During the winter months, city residents and businesses should be aware of the possibility of their water service lines freezing. Water in service lines below 40 degrees may freeze. Check the temperature of water from your cold-water faucet after letting it run for a few minutes. If it is below 40 degrees you should consider letting your water run at a steady stream about the size of a pencil. This should help keep your pipes from freezing, but WILL increase your water bill as well as your sewer bill. Home owners are responsible for the increased fees.
-If replacing an aged service line or building a new house, you must fill out an
Application to connect to Public Water System Form.
-For a full list of City Ordinances relating to the City Water System, Click Here

-Janesville currently operates with two lift stations, with a third lift station scheduled to be open and operational in a coming year or two.
-To keep the sewers clean and running smoothly, DO NOT dump or flush disposable wipes, grease, and anything else that doesn't break down.
-If you suspect a problem with your sewer backing up, Call (319)404-2863 to have the Public Works Department check the sewer. If the problem is not the city's responsibility, the home owner will need to call a plumber of their choice.
-If replacing an aged service line or building a new house, you must fill out an Application to Connect to Public Sewer System Form
-For a full list of City Ordinances relating to the City Sewer System, Click Here
-City Right Away, the area from the road to the sidewalk, is the home
owners' responsibility to mow, maintain, and clear of snow, ice, and debris.
-For any misc. projects in the city right of way, you must fill out an
Application for All Construction in Right of Way
-If your sidewalk is broken, missing, or needs repair, you must fill out an
Application for Sidewalk/Driveway Construction or Removal Form
-For a full list of City Ordinances relating to the City Streets, Click Here

-There are two Toter Sizes available: 64-gallon or 96-gallon. Please specify which size you would like with the City Clerk's office when setting up your account. Please contact the City Clerk's office to report any damage or missing wheels to your toter. (319)987-2905
-Collection Day is Thursdays.
-Toters must be placed at curb/street side prior to 4:00 a.m. on collection day with the lid completely closed or it may not be picked up. Specially marked bags, for garbage in excess of your toter, may be purchased at the City Clerk's Office for $2.00 each.
--For a full list of City Ordinances relating to the City Garbage Program, Click Here
-A residential curbside recycling program is available to all city residents. Black Hawk Waste is the City's contracted company for recycle and garbage pick up.
-Collection Day is Thursday.
-The city received a grant to be able to provide standard recyclable containers for every household within the city limits. These totes were delivered to residents October 2015. Materials for curbside recycling should be placed in your tote, and the tote should be placed neatly at the curb.
Accepted Recycling Material, (Partial List)
tin & aluminum containers
# 1 through # 7 plastics (soda bottles, milk, and detergent jugs)
junk mail
office & shredded paper
corrugated cardboard & chipboard
PLEASE Do Not bag your recycling.
Items NOT accepted in Recycling, (Partial List)
Soiled cardboard boxed, Ex: Greesey Pizza Box
Plastic Grocery/retail bags
Styrofom of any kind
Yard Waste
Since our customer refuse fees are partially based on the tonnage delivered to the landfill, it is in our best interest to promote recycling in our city. Recycling will help our environment and reduce landfill costs! Your participation in the city's recycling program is greatly appreciated!

Yard Waste/Automobile Batteries/Tires/Rims/Appliance Disposal
Yard Waste is collected, free of charge, each morning M-F. Yard Waste to be collected by city personnel must be placed in biodegradable garbage bags and/or tied in bundles weighing no more than thirty pounds (30#) each and placed near the curb by 7am.
If you prefer to haul your yard waste to the city's yard waste site, you must make prior arrangements with the public works director, as the site cannot be accessed without their assistance.
Yard waste may also be burned on private property outside of school hours. School Hours are from 8:20am-3:20pm M-F.
Automobile Batteries, Tires, Rims, and Appliances may be picked up by city personnel but items must be paid for, in advance, to the City Clerk's Office as follows:
Automobile Batteries - $1.00 each
Tires - $4.00 each (Size 15" or smaller)
Tires - $9.00 each (Size 16" - 20")
Rims - $4.00 each (Size 15" or smaller)
Rims - $9.00 each (Size 16" - 20 ")
Appliances Designed Without Freon - $12.00 each
Appliances Designed to Contain Freon - $17.00 each
Other items can be disposed of during the yearly City Wide Clean Up Days, Typically held during the 7-10 days following city wide garage sales. Items must be paid for in advance to the City Clerk's Office. You can also fill out the Disposal & Recycling Form and return to the City Clerk's Office with your payment.
Snow Removal
-City Streets are plowed after each measurable snowfall. Priority routes (Barrick Rd, Main St, Wildcat Way, 7th St, Marquis Rd, Maple St, and N. Maple St) are maintained during the continuation of the storm and snow fall. Residential streets are plowed once the snow has ceased.
-From November 1st -April 1st during the hours of 2am -6am there is NO PARKING on the following streets,
*Main Street (from 1st st.- 4th st.)
*3rd Street (on both sides from Main st. to the alley)
*North Side of Second Street (between Main and Sycamore Street)
-In the event of a Winter Storm/Snowfall there is NO PARKING on any city street
or ally until the snow has ceased and the street/ally has been cleaned and plowed.
-For a full list of City Ordinances relating to the
Snow Removal Operations, Click Here