City/Community Project Updates
Sands Addition In 2008, the city welcomed a new housing development on the East side of town. Phase 1 of the Sands Addition began construction bringing 50 new homes to the community. 2013 marked phase 2 with an additional 13 homes and in 2021 the 3rd phase is scheduled to begin bringing another 22 homes.

Veteran Memorial Project The official unveiling of the New Memorial Project was held on October 27th, 2013 at the Janesville Riviera Roose Event Center. The program included honoring Veterans and thanking donors. The colors were presented by American Legion Post 522. Bricks can still be purchased for any veteran either resident or non resident of Janesville. Brick Order Form
Pedestrian Bridge The Barrick Road Bicycle/Pedestrian Bridge officially opened the summer of 2014! A special dedication ceremony was held on Sunday August 10th, with Angie Hjelmeland speaking about the road she traveled to bring the bridge to life and also a brief speech from then Mayor Sandi Carroll and former Mayor Jim McKay.

Barrick Road Water Main Project. After over a year of planning with Janesville’s engineer and financial advisor, a contract was awarded to Blazek Corporation for the Barrick Road Water Main Improvement project. This project added a second water line under the river starting near the water tower on the west side of town. This 8-inch line was bored under the river, east past the school to the Pine Street connection. Several dead-end lines were eliminated on connecting north and south streets, eight new fire hydrants were added, and the water volume was increased substantially. A 708,000.00 SRF Construction Loan was used to fund this project. The majority of this project was completed by October 31, 2017, however, 100 percent completion and final approval/acceptance isn’t expected until this spring.
Hardwood Estates In 2018 Janesville welcomes Hardwood Estates, a new residential housing development on the west side of town. Phase one will consist of 25 homes, phase two and three include an additional 50 residential lots and a 2.35-acre park. A unique bio-swale system will be installed in this development.

Janesville School Additions In the fall of 2018 new ground was broken to begin the latest addition to the Janesville School building. This project took 3 attempts to pass a bond vote allowing construction for the new third gym, new elementary wing, other class rooms, and a few other needed improvements. The other most recent construction project was in 2007 when the school board accepted a bid for $1,761,440 for from Peters Construction. This bid covered the addition of the new multi-purpose room, new library, new administration offices, new class rooms and a slew of other much needed improvements. Groundbreaking took place on March 19, 2007.
Welcome to Janesville Signs The City underwent a small facelift in April of 2020 when two brand new "Welcome to Janesville signs were installed in the middle of the City's west roundabout. Helping with the construction and installation was Signs and Designs.

Park Updates The Public Works Department stayed very busy during the summer of 2020 building, installing and overseeing many new park improvements at the direction of the city council. Updates include, removing the old, cracked basketball court, adding a new basketball court, added fencing for ball game control, building a new rock basin to help with water run off, constructed a new parking lot, raised and resurfaced part of the walking trail, redoing the Lion's Club Shelter Roof, Constructed a walking trail from the ball diamond seating to the park entrance, resurfaced ball diamond, placed sand at the base of playground equipment, removed other unsafe playground equipment, moved benches to more convenient locations, cleaned and replaced warped picnic tables and more!
Pedestrian Cross Walk In order to help improve pedestrian foot traffic safety, two, brand new Light Up Cross Walk signals were installed in September of 2020. These signals are easy to use, and have high visibility when activated. They can be found at the intersection of Maple and W. Barrick Road.

Outdoor Tornado Siren To increase public safety, a NEW outdoor warning siren was installed in 2022. This siren was placed on the East side of town where new residential infrastructure is anticipated to be added in coming years. This siren does not replace the old siren located on main street but is an addition and covers an approximate four mile radius.
*Outdoor warning sirens are not intended to be a primary notification system for those inside.